Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Friday in Sao Paulo (6/20)

Many of us stumbled out of bed on Friday morning, grabbed a cup of coffee in the hotel restaurant and just caught the 7:45 am bus. We were on our way again.

This time, we were out to visit two innovative, successful, entrepreneurial companies – the Semco Group and Subway Link. Although they were quite different in industry and focus (Semco Group provides consultancy and other services and solutions in such areas as environmental, industrial equipment and postal systems for companies wanting to do business in the Latin America markets, while Subway Link is a dynamic and innovative player in producing and delivering video programs to retailers), both companies exhibit a high-energy, innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, and both have been highly successful companies.

Our host at Semco, Jose Vendramin Neto, explained to us how Semco has evolved to become a gateway to LA for companies that want to enter the region. “We have the ability to establish time-limited partnerships – to start new businesses, grow them, and sell them at the right time.” Semco is particularly known for its innovative organizational structure and design and its approach to management. I was particularly impressed with his continuing respect for workers as adults, as well as his belief in workplace democracy: “If you treat them like a child, they’ll act like a child. One doesn’t become a child when one enters the gate.”

Here are links to two books by Semco’s founder, Ricardo Semler, that tell the story of this “maverick” and his innovative management practices (I’ve already ordered both of them):



Subway Link was quite another experience again. When we arrived we were taken to the rooftop where we found an elaborate video setup, several monitors, and a presentation setting. While the CEO and founder was unable to meet with us, Fabio Jorge, the CFO did a fantastic job of introducing us to a company that in the past 9 years began with an innovative idea: producing business TV solutions for companies. By 2005, it evolved to provide a full set of solutions -- Audiovidual productions, Corporate TV, and In-store TV commercials that customers see close to the time of the decision to purchase an item. This is a fast-growing company in a high growth market that is well-positioned to make a difference in Brazil and other nearby countries.

It had been a great day. We ended the day both excited and exhausted. After returning to the hotel, and some of us went shopping, while others made plans for the evening.

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